News based comedy show, The Blame Game (BBC Northern Ireland), which features local and visiting comedians lampooning and satirising the people and events who are making the news in Northern Ireland and further afield
The Blame Game is the hit comedy panel show which Moondog produces for BBC Northern Ireland. The comedy regularly attracts a large audience on Fridays nights to the extent that the BBC Northern Ireland moves The Graham Norton Show to a later slot and broadcasts The Blame Game at 10:30pm.
The distinctive hallmarks of the Blame Game are that it is irreverent, bold and tells things as they are in a hilariously funny way which ultimately means many clips from the show end up going viral.
From the television recording(s) an audio only version is produced which broadcasts on BBC Radio Ulster.
The core talent include;
Each Week the boys are joined by guests comedians who have included; Michael McIntyre, John Bishop, Sarah Millican, Rich Hall, Adam Hills, Shappi Khorsandi and Ronni Ancona to name but a very few.
The comedy lampoons and pokes fun at the people, places and events who are making the news in Northern Ireland and further afield.